Kyra Jones EHS Class of 2011 |
The person I would like to nominate for the web site is Kyra Jones. Kyra graduated from Escanaba High School in 2011. While she was in school, she took Intro to Welding and she loved it. Lots of credit to Mr. Boomer and during her senior year with Mr Bellingar. He was really there for her, she also place 3rd in a welding competition. When she graduated in 2011, Kyra wanted to go to college for welding and she enrolled at Bay for their welding certificate program. Kyra completed the program in one year, graduating in 2012 from Bay with her certificate in welding, all while holding down a part time job at Super One Food. Kyra started working at Marinette Marine on Sept 10, 2012, is currently there and she still loves it! Thank you to Mr. Boomer and Mr. Bellingar for their guidance, now Kyra is working in a job she loves!
Submitted by Myra Croasdell